Showing posts with label killing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label killing. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2013

Native American Policy of Taking No Prisoners

Native American Thoughts on Killing the Enemy

      We shudder at the cruel torture inflicted by the Indian on the captives condemned to death. 
Yet he was no more cruel  than the religious zealots of Europe, who in the very same  century 
that the colonies were  founded, were skinning and  disemboweling the heretics under the hideous 
misbelief that  they were saving their souls. In his own way the Indian  was no less logical or consistent. 
He sought to make his foe incapable of harming him again. If possible he made sure  of killing his 
adversary. He scalped and mutilated, not  merely to preserve a trophy of his victory, but in 
accordance  with his belief that no man may enter the future world who is disfigured in body or limb. 
He killed the wife so that she  might not bear any more children to grow up and avenge the  slain husband. 
He killed the boys because they would grow into warriors, and he killed the girls, because they would become the 
mothers of more warriors. If he spared a life, it was to adopt the captive into his   own tribe in  order to inrease its\
 strength. Finally he burned the house in order to damage the     enemy that much more.

57 gruesome tales of Indian capture and torture

Monday, July 8, 2013

Settler Family is Murdered by Indians in Ross County, Ohio

Family Murdered by Indians in Ross County, Ohio

On their entry they appeared friendly, shaking hands with the whole family; 
nor Were the family} ^ alarmed, as the visitations of Indians were there- 
quent. But Euffner's sudden apj^earance aroused the suspicions
of Philip Seymore. Euffner thinking that they would not dare
to attempt an assault upon the family in his presence, insisted
upon Philip, as he was the most fleet on foot, to run into the
settlement and gather up some friends. As soon as Philip had
left the cabin, Euffner immediately noticed a sudden change in
the countenances of the savages; they cast upon each other
significant looks and glances, as much as to say: "He is gone
for aid, and now is our time." A deep, death-like silence
now reigned in the lonely forest cabin. Kate Seymore could
no longer endure this deathly gloom. Advancing toward
Euffner, she said : " Oh, Euffner, we shall all be killed!" Euff-
ner, who had sat eyeing the savages with a tiger's look, sprang
to his feet and exclaimed, in a stentorian voice : " Imps of hell,
leave this place this moment, or I will send your bloody red
spirits to the burning pit of hell," advancing toward them.
Instantly the Indians sprang from their seats, and made an
attack upon the heroic Euffner with uplifted tomahawks.
In the bloody conflict he killed three of the murderous savages,
bat, being overpowered by their united strength, fell a lifeless
bleeding corpse upon the cabin floor. The remaining savages
then turned upon the aged and helpless couple, who sat like
petrified statues, gazing with a vacant stare upon the terribly
bloody scene around them. Two tall savages, with tomahawks
uplifted, dripping with the blood of the murdered Euffner,
dealt each a blow upon their heads, and they, too, fell in the
aofonies of death.

Poor Kate was an eye-witness to the dreadful tragedy. She
was compelled to hand over all the money of her murdered
father, and cook dinner for the murderous Indians. Immedi-
ately after dinner Kanotchey, the brutal chief, approached Kate
and sunk his tomahawk deep in her head. She, too, fell to rise
no more.

The savages then left the cabin, concealing themselves in the
deep, dark forest. Philip, on returning with help, entered the
yard, and seeing the blood, mangled body of Eutfner, sprang
into the cabin, where his worst fears were realized. The sight
was shocking. Poor Kate, the once romping, laughing, beau-
tiful, rosy-cheeked Kate — there she lay beautiful in death.
Philip, on beholding her lifeless form, and those of his beloved
parents and the noble Euffner, gave vent to a flood of tears, and
exclaimed: "'Tis done; I am left alone." Said he to his neigh-
bors: "Blood for blood shall be my motto." Bidding them fare-
well, he bounded into the deep forest, becoming an Indian killer.
His home was the forest; his covering, the blue sky; his food,
wild meat. He would lay in ambush, and every straggling Indian
that hove in sight he would kill. Near the close of the war,
while seated on a high bluff near the Mohiccan, in a narrow
bottom below, he saw a large, straight, tall Indian in shooting dis-
tance. He cocked his gun, took aim, fired, and killed the sav-
age. He descended and walked to the place where the Indian
lay. On examination of his costume and person, he found it
was Kanotchey, the murderer of his sister. Philip said: "I am
Now avenged." He then returned to his home on the Mohican.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Retribution For Indian Kidnapping and Murders in Adams County, Ohio

Retribution For Indian Kidnapping and Murders in Adams County, Ohio

   Tod's Expedition. One of these expeditions organized by Col. Robert Tod, of Paris, Kentucky, and Simon Kenton, of Kenton's Station, near Washington, Kentucky, took its route across Adams County, and blazed a line of travel through the forest, that afterwards became a prominent landmark in this region, known as Tod's Trace and Tod's War Road. The Indians had greatly harassed the inhabitants around Kenton's Station, stealing their horses, and killing the settlers or carrying them away in captivity. This was in the summer of 1787. and Kenton sent word to Col. Tod to bring what men he could raise and join his men at Washington from which place their combined forces would march against the Shawnee town on the north fork of Paint Creek in what is now Ross County, Ohio. The forces rendezvoused at Washington, and Col. Tod was put in command. They crossed the Ohio at Limestone and marched up the river to Little Three Mile Creek and thence by the way of where Bentonville now stands to the waters of Lick Fork, and thence to Ohio Brush Creek which they crossed at the Old Indian Ford, afterwards called "Tod's Crossing," near the Fristoe bridge, and thence by way of the Sinking Spring to Paint Creek. McDonald says Kenton as usual commanded a company and piloted the way to the Chillicothe town. On their route out, about five miles south of the town, the advance guard, commanded by Kenton, met four Indians. Kenton and one Helm fired, and killed two of the Indians. The other two were taken prisoners. Kenton was surrounded by a set of young men of his own training, and fearful was the doom of enemies of equal numbers who came in their way. From the two prisoners they learned that there was a large Indian encampment between them and old Chillicothe, and about three miles from that place. On this intelligence the army was halted, and Kenton and his company went cautiously forward to reconnoiter the situation of the enemy. Kenton proceeded near the Indian camp, and with a few chosen men reconnoitered the enemy. He then sent an express to Col. Tod, informing him of their probable number and situation. Before day Maj. Hinkston came on and joined Kenton. Prompt measures were immediately, taken. The Indian camp was surrounded, but the whites were too impatient of delay, and the attack was made before it was light enough. Two Indians were killed and only seven made prisoners. Many in the darkness made their escape. Col. Tod, with the main body of the troops, lingered behind, and did not reach the place where the Indians were defeated till the sun was at least two hours high in the morning. The Indians who escaped alarmed the town. They're men, women and children took naked in the woods, and by the time Col. Tod reached the town, they had all fled. The town was burned and everything about destroyed. The army camped that night on Paint Creek and the next day made their way home, without the loss of a man killed or wounded.