Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Algonquin Woman Put to Death For Child Abuse

Algonquin Woman Put to Death For Child Abuse

"let the crows eat her,"

An exhibition of this is given in connection with a dispute between two of 
his squaws. One of them, to gain her point, went to the chief and accused the
other of abusing his children. The accused one was peremptorily brought before
him. Her he ordered to lie down upon the ground on her back, and directed
the accuser to dispatch her with a tomahawk. A single blow smote the skull.
" There," said the savage, "let the crows eat her," and left her unburied until
persuaded to do otherwise. Then he directed the murderess to bury her. This
she did, but so shallow that the wolves dug up and partly devoured the body.